Saturday, July 14, 2012

Halfway There!

One more semester down and I am halfway to completing the program and becoming an RD!! Woohoo!!

The year has been over for a little over a month now and time has flown by. (I feel like I say that every post, but it's true!) Our Class Pictures: 

Coordinated Program Junior Year, Class of 2013!!

Yay, Go Frogs!!

Overall it was a good semester, I had a lot of fun working at the hospital and especially the site swap weeks. I kept an open mind throughout, even though I knew it was not what I wanted to do. This semester definitely confirmed my preferences for when I am looking for jobs. Being foodservice management focus entailed ALOT of business, which is not my cup of tea. Thankfully that's my husband's specialty, so he helped me many a time through the semester.

I will definitley miss the people at my site. It was a good group of personalities that all worked together really well. And those chefs impressed me with their talent.

Next semester is mainly in a hospital setting as well, but with a different focus, it's our clinical rotation. I am looking forward to working more with patients one on one and provide education and counseling. We will also be working at a dialysis center, diabetes clinic and long term facility. This is more of what I want do as a Registered Dietitian, so I am excited to get back to school. I hear this is our most difficult semester, so I may be holed up in our study or at the library the majority of the time studying/completing units.

Still have MNT on the brain, saw this at a Midland Boutique and of course thought of NJ tube feeding

For the remainder of my summer break, along with working, I have quite a bit of homework/studying to do. This is to help us prepare for the upcoming semester since some of the nutrition information we haven't learned yet in class. (Example: nutrition and cancer, respiratory care, and wound care) Also we have to take a test the first week back in class over some of the information. Woohoo!!!

I must recommend this one blog I have become a loyal reader to. I came across this blog from the crazily obsessive website Pinterest Julie, from Florida writes daily about workouts, healthy foods, books to read, and she has really motivated me to live a healthier lifestyle (not that I don't live a semi healthy lifestyle, I am studying to be a Regsitered Dietitican, so I have the food part down). Its a good reference tool for workout tips, and she's a really good writer. I'm hooked.

Copyright: Peanut Butter Fingers
Hope everyone is having a good summer! Just to make you slightly jealous I will be here in a week :)

But more about that later... :)


"Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." ~James 1:4