(if you're queasy about blood/injuries, I would suggest skipping over the next couple of paragraphs)
One of the patients had extreme gangrene on the leg and was having to have it amputated. You could barely tell that it was a leg/foot. It was dark black and swollen. They had already had the other leg amuputated from the same condition.
Another patient had a hematoma explosion (basically a big bruise, the blood comes out of the blood vessels and accumulates in the space below the skin) on the leg. The blood had gotten so pressurized in its compartment under the skin that it had no where else to go but out, so the skin seemed to tear itself apart and there was a flap just hanging out on the side of the leg and I was able to see what was underneath the skin. (blood, muscle) Awesome! I think I just found my case study patient.
I love horror movies, so blood and guts don't bother me. One thing me and my husband have in common.
Bring on the Blood! :)
On a lighter note... A small group of us held a cooking demonstration for a senior center that focused on baking with sweetners versus real sugar. We made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins, Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars, Pudding and Lemonade. I of course brought my pink kitchen utensils from home to demonstrate with :) and got a lot of compliements from the ladies. One of the audience members thought I was there promoting Williams Sonoma. (I wish! Dream Job!)
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins |
During my cardiovascular unit I had the opportunity to give a heart healthy education to a patient who had just recently undergone heart surgery. And did I flop that one... I stumbled many a time during the session, my information didn't flow well and I'm sure the patient thought how the he$$ did this girl get in here?! Needless to say I think I need ALOT more practice providing patient education. Luckily the patient had already had a full education by one of the dietitians, she just let me "re-educate" her for some practice.
The Fort Worth Dietetics Association had it's monthly meeting this month and the topic was on the independant film "My McDiet: A Drive-Thru Weight Loss Story". I purchased a copy at the meeting, but still have yet to find the time to sit and watch it. Apparently its a rebuttal to the 2004 film "SuperSize Me" by Morgan Spurlock (which I get sucked in to watching it anytime it's on TV, just fascinating!) But I am interested to see this new take on the fast food industry. Once I watch it, I'll let you know! You can find more information here: My McDiet
Fun Fact of the Week: One of the beers my husband enjoys drinking, the name of it just happens to also be a medical condition. Delirium Tremens. The medical definition: a severe form of alchol withdrawal that involves sudden and severe mental or nervous system changes. The beer: produced by Huyghe Brewery in Belgium, it features pictures of pink elephants that patients have hallucinated during their own delirium tremens, latin for "trembling madness", recovery.
"Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty, For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal." ~ Job 5:17-18
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