Monday, January 21, 2013

Last Semester Week 1

Happy New Year to you! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!

Things are back in full swing now for my final semester as a Dietetic Student. Woohoo! I've almost made it!

Not much longer I will be wearing this!
My first week back consisted of introductions to our new sites and general organization for the semester to come. The first half of this semester is set up similarly to our first semester in the program. We are at several different locations, some of them are the same rotation sites we were at that first semester and we will work in small groups again. I am excited about the group I will be working with this semester, they are both extremely hard workers and very easy to get along with.

We will be working with a home meal delivery program, teaching cooking and nutrition classes for the food bank, working with WIC (Women, Infants, Children), the wellness, and nutrition and health programs at TCU, and teaching nutrition labs to the current TCU students. I am looking forward to these rotations, but anxious to see how one of them has "supposedly" changed from our first go around with them first semester.

Let's just say that site didn't leave a good taste in my mouth when we completed that rotation, I know I'm not the only one in this boat apprehensive to see how round 2 goes, I'll keep you updated.

 The second half of this semester is our culminating rotation (the location of our choosing) and I will be at one of the county hospitals in the area. I am looking forward to it, and interested to see its comparison to the hospitals I have worked in before. I knew I wanted to work in a clinical setting for my culminating hours, but I was also torn because I do eventually want to work as Renal Dietitian and was thinking working at a dialysis clinic would be a smart move. After discussing this with several of my professors, they suggested working at a hospital that sees a lot of kidney patients might be the best of both worlds!

Every time I hear those words, the theme song starts playing in my head...

I am hoping to keep you updated more often this semester, I will have a little more time since I'm not taking any scheduled classes. Plus hopefully I'll have more material being at several different sites throughout the weeks ahead.


"For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end." ~ Psalm 48:14

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