Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting Into the Swing of Things

Our second week back, we spent quite a lot of time with the TCU Career Services on Cover Letter, Resume and Interviewing tips, tricks and techniques. The career advisor for the Science and Engineering school is awesome and she provided us with a lot of helpful information. It makes me nervous though for applying to jobs, going through the interview process and the waiting game to hear if you got it or not. I really don't want to think about it!

This is how I'm going to feel while on the job hunt
I have a mock interview scheduled with them next week, in which we will be interviewing with our career advisor, while being videotaped, and then we have to review it and write up a summary of how we think it went. (I really don't like watching myself on film, awkward...)

My small group is coordinating the luncheon at the end of the semester to thank all of our current and previous preceptors for giving us the opportunity to work with them. I think we were all very excited to hear that we would be directing that. Planning on going with an island/carribean/rainforest theme. (Jerk chicken, grilled pineapple, possible bananas foster) Still a lot of time until this takes place, so more details later.
Jerk Chicken and Pineapple, yum yum!

Started at WIC this week. I haven't decided yet if this rotation makes me excited to have kids or want to push them off until later. The babies are really cute, but when you have several of them crying in a large room with no audio absorbing material... OMG!! I've seen some not even a week old come in with their mom. We even had a young mom come into the clinic who didn't know she was pregnant until she was in the delivery room. She stated she went into the hospital on Saturday for foot issues and next thing she knew she was in the delivery room delivering a child. I could not imagine... Makes me think of that show "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" and that I thought all the individuals were just embellishing, but apparently it really does happen.

I did have the opportunity to sit in with the Breastfeeding Counselor and listen to her discuss the importance and benefits of breastfeeding. Being an advocate myself I really enjoyed hearing more about it.

A good website with more info for anyone interested here:

This rotation also provided a good chunk of reading homework to look through; all about pregnancy, breastfeeding, infant and child nutrition and feeding tips and tricks. There's a DVD in there too. So after only one week I'm set and much more knowledgeable about having a kid myself. (However, that's still a few years off, no Junior Castles running around yet, still have to see how the pet test goes first!)

As I have said before, this first part of the semester we are all over Fort Worth. In addition to the sites discussed above, the six week cooking class session started this past week and we have a great group of participants and the food we prepared was really good! Our first cooking class was a hit: Veggie Quesadillas, yum :) We did run over the allotted time a little bit, but we were just having too much fun.

The days are going by way too fast and I feel this semester is going to fly by! With all the discussions on graduation and the RD exam, I have already begun to have nightmares about not completing my requirements, failing the exam or not knowing any of the answers to the questions. I really hope they don't last.

"Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him." ~Psalm 127:3

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