Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 1, Year 2

First week done of my last year as an intern, I was really glad to get back to school and see everyone again.

After all my summer homework, I feel as though I have been in school for months. We had modules to complete for our clinical rotations this semester that covered nutrition therapy for various disease, such as cancer, pulmonary conditions, AIDS, bariatric surgery, etc. These took up a lot more time than I had originally anticipated, but I know getting a basis for some of these conditions will help me out over the semester.

Tuesday was spent in meetings from 9:30 AM to about 6:15 PM, and surprisingly every minute of them was filled with information. I had previously thought 8 hours of information would be way too much time, but I could not have been more wrong.

Wednesday we had a test that was over the modules we completed over the summer as well as the information we learned the previous semester. We were all nervous, but I think I did ok, however grades haven't come back yet. :/

Thursday was my first day at my hospital site for the semester. It was a deja vu moment, as I have previously worked at my facility about 4 years ago. Some of the people are the same, some are not, but I didn't think anyone would remember me, it was so long ago! A few people did remember me!

For some reason that morning, my stomach would not quit making noises, and no I did not have gas. I ate my normal breakfast, followed my normal routine, but it just decided it wanted to make "hunger" noises all morning long. (I hope you know what I'm talking about, the sound your stomach makes when you're hungry, grumbling and rolling) I wasn't hungry, I'm thinking it was just nerves, but it was embarrassing and of course very noticeable because the office the dietitians work in is a pretty quiet one.

Somehow, two years in a row, I do something embarrassing. I must be great at making first impressions!!

But besides all of that I am really excited for this semester because I definitely want go the clinical route as an RD. My preceptors are easy to get along with, nice and extremely helpful so I know I'm going to learn a lot over this semester. I hear this is the hardest semester of the Coordinated Program, so I am also slightly anxious, but as they say "this too shall pass."


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." ~Colossians 3:23

Friday, August 24, 2012

How To Be A Registered Dietitian

I have been living in the nutrition/dietetic student mode for almost 10 years now and have realized that many of you don't know what it takes to become a Registered Dietitian, so I figured this was a good time as any to give a brief breakdown of the requirements.

To become a Registered Dietitian requires two steps:

Step 1: Receive a Bachelor of Science Degree from accredited university

Step 2: Complete a 1200 hour Supervised Practice Program (aka Internship)

Seems simple right?! Well considering it took me almost 3 years to secure an internship, it's quite the contrary.

There are two ways to complete these requirements.
Option One: Coordinated Program: this entails completing the internship hours while also completing your Bachelor's Degree
Option Two: Complete Bachelor's Degree and apply for internships after graduation

I highly recommend if you plan to be a RD, choose Option One!! It will be more work at the time, but less headaches later as I have come to realize.

I originally enrolled as an option two graduate during my first round at TCU, completed my Bachelor's Degree and applied to internships. Applying to internships is not like applying to graduate school, it is based on a computer matching program that occurs twice a year.

To be matched for an internship you send in your application to all the internships you are interested in, this could be 1 location, 5 locations or as many as you wish. Once your information is submitted, you rank each internship you applied to as 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc. This is where the computer "matches" you to your location, as the individual internships rank you as well: top choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc. however many rankings they have. On match day, you will log into your account and either get instructions to contact you matched internship or a message stating you were unmatched, this day could be awesome or depressing. Essentially if you rank the internship the same way they rank you, you've matched. Congrats!!

Supervised Practice/Internships are offered on their own or in combination with graduate school. Some locations offer Master's Degrees with completion of internship hours, this usually is about two years, and some offer graduate school credit with internship completion and others are solely internship hours, these are only about a  year. Almost all programs are unpaid, so you are paying to work for them. Hooray!

Now for my take on this computer matching system... I don't think it works quite that simply, my theory is that you are only matched if the internship you rank 1st choice also ranks you in their top tier, and I say this because statistically only 50% of applicants are matched each round. (statistics from So 50% of students that complete their Bachelor's Degree are stuck in limbo to either try again next round or go for Plan B.

(As a side note, the internships receive over 100 applications for typically only 8-12 spots.) There are just not enough internships available for students.

And I was that 50% rejected for three years as I applied, reapplied and reapplied again to be matched for an internship. Strike 3 you're out!!! I was already on my way to completing my teaching certificate (my plan B) when I got the phone call to apply for TCU's Coordinated Program. No computer matching required! AMEN!! I am one of the lucky few, as unfortunately many Nutrition and Dietetic students are unable to complete the second requirement to be a RD.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has recently become aware of this situation and is trying to come up with a solution. One problem is that there is a novel's worth of paperwork to complete just to be a preceptor/supervisor. To start up a new internship program is a huge task and encyclopedia series worth of paperwork and red tape. So it seems they want to expand the possibilities, but not make it easier for individuals to offer more availability. (just my opinion)

Their current alternative option they are working on is called ISPP (Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway). The student will submit their application to the currently 9 schools participating and if accepted, will line up their own supervisors in their area to complete the 1200 hours. This is new program launched September 2011 and I'm interested to see the turnout and how successful it is.

To any of you interested in this career path get good grades, network, be involved, network, volunteer, good luck, and did I say network? I love my field and feel extremely honored and blessed to be where I am now and if you're willing to put in the effort go for it. Networking is how I got to be where I am, by keeping in touch with my TCU professors, which is why I can't stress enough the importance of it. I am one lucky girl. Rah Rah TCU!!!


"There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." ~Proverbs 23:18

One of my favorite verses and so appropriate:

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summer Vacay!!!

So it hasn't been all work and no play over my last summer break as a student. (This post has nothing to do with school by the way, just a fun one, with lots of pictures)

Earlier in the summer we went to visit my parents in Austin over Memorial Weekend. Did some shopping, sleeping, floating in the pool, played with my cats, and ate at the Oasis one night. Check out our view!!

Hanging out before the sunset

Davis and Mom

Me and Mom

Andy, Me, Davis (can't you tell He's ExCiTeD to be there)

 Later in the summer we went to the Annual Summer Mummers in Midland.

One of my favorite activities! You get to watch a melodrama, be almost as loud as you want to, drink and get to throw this stuff EVERYWHERE!!!

By the end of the show you are basically swimming in popcorn out the door. I Love It!!! My arms were sore the next day from throwing bag after bag after bag, but totally worth it. It's amazing what little crevices those buttery oily boogers will find their way into...
(sorry, not many pictures, didn't want to get the camera gross from popcorn)

Two days after that, we were on our way to Las Vegas to celebrate my Mother In Laws birthday!! She was surprised with a limo to take us from the airport to the Wynn Hotel. Of course the food is my favorite part of the trip! We had the privilege of eating at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill

Mango and Spice Crusted Tuna Steak


Chocolate Pretzel Tart
  For MIL's actual birthday we went to Botero at the Wynn (Steakhouse). It was delicious!!
Appetizer: Seafood Extravaganza

Happy Birthday Kay!!
Ice Cream and Chocolate Lollipops

Smores Doughnuts (Amazing!!)

Our last trip of the summer took us to Costa Rica for a family friend's graduation celebration. (Congrats Claire!) It was beautiful! Bright green everywhere (compared to the brown I'm used to Texas) and very relaxing. I had the opportunity to zip line though the rainforest, which was awesome!! (highly recommend if you get the chance) We swam, ate, relaxed and I got to use what little of my spanish I remember, which isn't much. Our time there flew by way to fast, but a great trip to end the summer on.

The view flying in

The view from the lobby, look at all that green!

These guys were everywhere and they were HUGE

This was waiting for me at check in :)

I would say a very successful and worldly summer :) I can't believe it's almost over as I start back Monday the 20th. Hope you all had wonderful summers and didn't melt in the Texas heat!!


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdnened, and I will give you rest." ~ Matthew 11:28